USRAH BUDI 1 CCUB1621 Sec 203

         My part in this poster was to highlight why we need to study more to improve our 'amal?.  We need to study more to improve 'amal because we are imperfect servants that who have to seek knowledge to become the caliph of Allah on this earth. So, we have to improve ourselves to be a better  person especially in doing 'amal. We also can get self-reflection when do focus in worship in the world. In addition, we can learn about the religious understanding and the way to be a better muslimah. 

USRAH BUDI 2 CCUB1062 Sec 215

        My part in this poster was to highlight why we need to help the orphans?. We need to help the orphans because there is so much barakah in orphan sponsorship. The orphan sponsorship programme puts us in regular contact with the child's guardian, who can let us know about issues the family or the community face. Often, we can help solve these problems. For example, we can provide widows with a sustainable livelihood or we can construct a water well in the community. In this way, a single orphan sponsorship sets off a chain reaction of Sadaqah Jariyah goodness.  So, a single orphan sponsorship contains so much barakah. If we make the intention to be a part of this, we will gain countless rewards. 

USRAH BUDI 3 CCUB3621 Sec 201

Our group like to organize the program book donation “We Caring You With Islamic Books” at Rumah Permata Hatiku, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. As we know, orphans and the poor people left behind in education. This happens because some of them do not have sufficient money to purchase Islamic books and it will be difficult for them to gain knowledge about Islam. It involved the students from International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak to donate the Islamic Book which can reused books or new books to children at orphanages. This is expected to help them to obtain the Islamic education based on their reading Islamic books that we give to them. Apart from that, this program is intended to ensure the orphanages get the true Islamic knowledge and prevent them from doing the prohibited matters in Islamic laws in their lives.

USRAH BUDI 4 CCUB4621 Sec 202

Our group like to organize the volunteering programme“We Give Love Heart To Them” at Rumah Permata Hatiku, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. As we know, orphans and the poor people lack of love from their loved ones. This happens because some of their parent's background are not same with others people. They have to sent the orphans to 'rumah kebajikan' to make sure that they get convenience and a better life. This programme involved our 6 team members from International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak to do a module with orphanage. This is expected to help them acquire good values that can be nurtured in themselves such as cooperation, kindness and tolerance. Apart from that, this program is intended to ensure the orphanages get the true Islamic knowledge and prevent them from doing the prohibited matters in Islamic laws in their lives. It is because our module with orphanage include a lot of moral values thru a game session with them.

There is some information about our programme:
