
Redha can be defined as wholeheartedly accept what that has been decreed by the Almighty. Example of the phrase that is usually uttered is, “She wholeheartedly accept the death of her son. Life must go on.”

What is true love in Islam?

True Love is one which leads to a healthy, stable and balanced love/relationship.   True Love is where the person in love is supposed to be a Deewana, “madly” in loveTrue Love is blind” on the tips of their tongues while it was already confirmed by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) centuries ago.As such, the Qur'an for Muslims is the primary means of encountering God. Hence true love is part of God's love, and it is our duty to love one another truly, as indeed He loves us. Without Divine Love there can be no human love. The Qur'an tells us that the path of true love has to be through God.


Allah will only change the status of a muslim when he decides to change what is within himself. When a person decides to turn to Allah  and he faces criticism from his friends and family. Especially in the case where the parents are against him, he should still respect his parents and be kind to them and treat with the best of manners  but not obey the wrong orders against Islam. A person should stick to their deen even if he loses friends or family. He should stay steadfast to his deen and be devoutly to the truth which is Allah.
